Download Microsoft Security Essentials full setup free download | Download Microsoft Security Essentials latest version full setup

Hello Guys,here is amazing light weight Security software Microsoft Security Essentials for your computer which will keep you safe and secure and the important thing is that it is just a 10 to 20 mb software which will keep you safe and maintain your computer safety and speed.So download this amazing Software directly now and maintain your pc and its safety.


Real-time protection

Real-time protection means addressing potential threats before they become problems. Alerts notify you when spyware, viruses, or other malicious software attempt to run or install on your PC, and suspicious files and programs are prevented from opening.

System scanning

Microsoft Security Essentials offers complete system scanning capabilities with both scheduled and on-demand scanning options to provide an extra level of confidence. Scheduled scans are turned on by default and configured to run weekly at 2 a.m. when the system is likely idle. There are three scanning options:

Quick scan. On by default, a quick scan rapidly checks the areas malware is most likely to infect, including programs running in memory, system files, and the registry.

Full scan. A full scan checks all files on the PC, the registry, and all currently running programs.

Custom scan. A custom scan allows you to scan only the areas you select.

You can choose when you want a scheduled scan to run, view the scan results before cleaning, or run a scan on demand. If the PC isn't turned on when the scan is scheduled to run, Microsoft Security Essentials will start the scan at the first opportunity once the PC is awake and idle.

System cleaning

When Microsoft Security Essentials determines a possible threat on your PC, alerts notify you of the threat. Threats are categorized as Severe, High, Medium, or Low, and you can choose whether to ignore, quarantine or remove the item from the system.

Quarantine. Microsoft Security Essentials blocks less severe threats and moves them to a quarantined queue where you can elect to restore or permanently delete them. By placing an item in quarantine, you can test the effect of the item’s removal before deleting it from the system.

Remove. This action permanently deletes the item from the system.

Allow. This action stops Microsoft Security Essentials from detecting the item in future scans by adding it to the Allowed Items list. You can remove items from the Allowed Items list at any time.

Windows Firewall integration

Having an active firewall is part of securing your PC. During setup, Microsoft Security Essentials scans the PC to determine if a firewall is active on the PC. If no firewall protection is present, you'll be given the option to turn on Windows Firewall.

Rootkit protection

Rootkits are particularly difficult types of malware to protect against, and Microsoft Security Essentials includes a number of new and improved technologies to address rootkits and other aggressive threats.

The kernal is at the heart of your PC’s operating system. Microsoft Security Essentials monitors it to see if there are any attacks or harmful modifications.

Rootkits use stealthy methods to hide themselves and Microsoft Security Essentials has the latest anti-stealth technology to uncover them. For example, direct file system parsing helps find and remove malicious programs and drivers that rootkits try to sneak in.

Protection against real threats, not good software

Microsoft Security Essentials helps block bad software. We keep a list of the most popular websites and downloads on the Internet and use it to test our antimalware definitions and updates before they get to you. This helps us make sure that the protection we offer really keeps your PC safe, and not blocked.

Technical Requirement for Microsoft Security Essentials

Operating System
Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3)*; Windows Vista (Service Pack 1, or Service Pack 2)*; Windows 7*

For Windows XP, a PC with a CPU clock speed of 500 MHz or higher, and 256 MB RAM or higher.

For Windows Vista and Windows 7, a PC with a CPU clock speed of 1.0 GHz or higher, and 1 GB RAM or higher.

VGA display of 800 × 600 or higher.

200 MB of available hard disk space.

An Internet connection is required for installation and to download the latest virus and spyware definitions for Microsoft Security Essentials.

Internet Browser:

Windows Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.

Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or later.
